May 16, 2024 I Philanthropy

Suzanne D’Addario Brouder Steps Down from D’Addario Foundation

After leading the D’Addario Foundation for 15 years, Suzanne D’Addario Brouder has stepped down, leaving the foundation in the hands of Karen Shelley.

“I remain incredibly passionate about the foundation, our initiatives, program partners and students,” D’Addario Brouder said. “I am proud of everything we accomplished during my time here. I feel like the Foundation in many ways has been my baby, something I have nurtured to the best of my ability with the amazing and steadfast help of our team. We are at a very exciting inflection point at the D’Addario Foundation and I believe there is great potential to grow and broaden our impact.”

To lead the foundation going forward, the D’Addario Foundation sought a leader with a strong background in fundraising and development and found just that in new executive director Karen Shelley, who began her work on April 1.

Shelley is a nonprofit and social impact leader with more than 20 years of experience in partnership development. She began her career as an advertising copywriter for various educational publishing companies and went on to serve as a development professional for several nonprofit organizations. Most recently, Shelley was director of development for the Harmony Program and director of strategic partnerships for the Society for Science. Other nonprofits she has served include the College Board, Single Stop and College Advising Corps.

“Karen is a trailblazer, and I’m very excited to have someone with her skill set lead the organization,” D’Addario Brouder said.

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