August 09, 2021 I Appointments

Hit Like A Girl Names Russian Ambassador

Liz Yurina

Hit Like A Girl has announced up-and-coming drummer and educator Liz Yurina has agreed to become the first-ever Hit Like A Girl ambassador for Russia. Yurina is currently based in St. Petersburg where, in addition to her live and recorded performances, she is an instructor at Drumstarz, one of the largest drum schools in Russia.

“We feel that Liz is a great representative of the emerging community of female drummers in Russia and will become a role model for young girls around the world,” said Hit Like A Girl Executive Director David Levine. “Her natural musical and physical talents combined with her intelligence, perseverance and an incredibly adventurous spirit make her the perfect choice to lead our outreach.”

“My goal as ambassador is to support Hit Like A Girl’s mission to advocate for the female drumming community and also to expose the talent of Russian women to the rest of the world,” Yurina said.

Yurina joins a growing network of Hit Like A Girl ambassadors who are working together to grow and strengthen female drumming in Japan, China, Korea, India, Turkey, France, the U.K. and Mexico, as well as the African, Southeast Asia, Middle East and North, Central and South American regions.

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