June 19, 2020 I Supply

Earthquaker and PatternBased Join Forces for OnomatoPedal App

EarthQuaker Devices has teamed up with PatternBased to release a unique way of showing off its pedals, OnomatoPedal. OnomatoPedal is a vibrant, cross-cultural interactive app based on Japanese onomatopoetic words and the effects pedals of EarthQuaker Devices.

OnomatoPedal is an easy to use, family-friendly browser-based app with 21 audio playgrounds, each exploring a different Japanese onomatopoetic word.

There are 21 unique screens, each based on a pairing of Japanese onomatopoetic words and an EarthQuaker pedal. For instance, the Japanese word uki uki describes someone happy, excited and in a buoyant mood. The playground for uki uki is filled with bright colors and sounds created with the Rainbow Machine pedal.

OnomatoPedal is open source. All the music and sounds are downloadable and free to use for all non-commercial applications. A zip file containing all the sounds is downloadable from each of the 21 playgrounds.

Click here to try it for free.


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