December 18, 2023 I Philanthropy
Blues Angel Music Foundation Donates MP3 Players to Seniors

Seniors enjoying the donated MP3 players.
Blues Angel Music in Pensacola, Florida’s not-for-profit, Blues Angel Music Foundation (BAMF), recently donated MP3 players to participants in Council on Aging of West Florida’s adult day program, The Retreat.
Earlier this year, BAMF began implementing Bring Back the Rhythm, a program that provides seniors in local assisted living facilities with MP3 players featuring a tailored music catalog of their choosing. In a number of cases, older adults, and even some with conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, experienced a positive neurological reaction to hearing music from their past. While this program is not intended to directly treat neurological conditions, there are instances where positive therapeutic benefits have been achieved.
“Our programs are not curative, but they do improve quality of life,” said Nan DeStafney, owner of Blues Angel Music and president of BAMF Foundation. “It’s amazing when you can sit in front of somebody and see their eyes just light up.”
In September, BAMF joined forces with Lensea Film and Big Jerk Soda Co. to hold the 2nd annual “Chump Change,” which raised $5,000 for BAMF. All of the funds procured by BAMF went directly to programs like Bring Back the Rhythm, with Council on Aging being the most recent recipient of the MP3 players. BAMF intends to provide these players to more seniors in the Pensacola, Florida, area in 2024.
“Music is such a powerful tool for enrichment and engagement within the aging community. For some, verbal and personal skills are diminishing, and we can use music to connect with that person,” said Jessica Ayers, Council on Aging Adult Day Care Center director. “Bring Back the Rhythm allows for a device to be used to assist staff in connection with the participant as well as behavior modifications. We are so fortunate to have this program local and available to our center.”