December 11, 2019 I The Marketing Guru I by Tracy Hoeft

Facebook Ad Secrets

You’d like a 20% off coupon for Facebook ads, right? Well, Facebook does offer nice discounts to smart advertisers, but it does not come in the form of a coupon. Rather, discounts are all about how you manage what Facebook calls “ad relevance.”

Facebook wants to keep its users happy while still delivering as many ads as they can — they are serious about this! If you want to pay less and get better results, it’s time to prioritize relevance, and we are here to help.

Success with Facebook ads starts with targeting the right audience

For every ad you run, Facebook will show you the ad’s scoring in three areas, all within their ad relevance diagnostics reporting. If you use Facebook Business, you will see this along with other stats if you have your dashboard showing the performance view. This shows at the ad set level.

There are three different rankings that you will want to understand and master:

Quality ranking: This one is the most nebulous of the bunch — it is perceived quality versus competitive ads. Although not confirmed by Facebook, I’ve found entertainment or educational value to be a driver here, as well as the general quality of the creative. For example, we are seeing some connection between the amount of text on the image or video. Less text means a better quality ranking.

Engagement rate ranking: Engagement is likes, shares and comments, so this is pretty straightforward. Create ads that people want to comment on and share!

Conversion rate ranking: Facebook looks at conversion based on how you optimized your ad. If you optimized for sales conversions, that is the main factor here.

You should strive to be above average on every ad in every one of the Facebook ad relevance diagnostics categories. If you plan your ad content and audience targeting thoughtfully, you’ll get that discount!

Here are five specific tactics to make your ads more relevant on Facebook:

1. Target Your Audience

Success with Facebook ads start with targeting the right audience. The tighter the audience, and the more specific your content matches the interests of the people in that audience, the better. If you are running an ad about a guitar, you can start by targeting guitar players, but you can also do more. If the instrument that you are advertising might be more appealing to a particular age demographic or a sub-set of guitar players, find a way to tighten your audience to those players.

2. Give Your Prospects What They Want and Need

Consider running ads that are not a typical sales pitch. Consider creating some content that helps customers pick the right instrument for them or explains the differences.

3. Clear Creative

You have defined the right audience and you have the right offering for the people that see your ad, but is it clear that this is right for them? Make sure that your ad tells them why this is right for them. What problem are you solving for them? How will their playing or performance be improved? Make sure that it’s easy to see this.

4. Ask for Engagement

A critical indicator that your Facebook ads are relevant is that people engage with them. Get creative in developing ads that encourage engagement and specifically ask for that. If you show two products, ask which they prefer or ask about color or how they would use it.

5. Keep It Fresh

Even the right ad served to the right person can get stale if you run it too long. Create new ads regularly or change the audience for ads that you want to continue to run.

Through some smart planning and consistent management, you can reduce the cost of your ads and make your ad budget go further. Your customers will appreciate you better meeting their needs and Facebook will be glad to give you lower pricing. Go ahead and use that discount! MI

Tracy Hoeft is the president of Amplify 11, a marketing firm specializing in the musical instrument industry.

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