January 09, 2020 I MI Publisher I by Frank Alkyer
So Long, 2010s
What a difference a decade makes. For those who were in this industry in 2010, think back to The NAMM Show that year. The musical products industry came into…
December 19, 2019 I The Experts I by Peter Dods
When a new project comes along, you have two options. You can take on the project internally, or you can hire someone else to do it for you. Whether you choose…
December 11, 2019 I Next Gen Retailing I by Hayley Voorhees
Make Your Brand Stand Out
Four steps to take to stand out from the crowd.
December 11, 2019 I SWIM I by Liz Benoit Crew
Finding New Voices
Humans, we hear, are drawn to new and different things. Introducing change into one’s life can be transformative, bringing with it the hope for a better, more…
December 11, 2019 I The Marketing Guru I by Tracy Hoeft
Facebook Ad Secrets
Facebook wants to keep its users happy while still delivering as many ads as they can — they are serious about this! If you want to pay less and get better results, it’s time to prioritize relevance, and we are here to help.
December 11, 2019 I MI Publisher I by Frank Alkyer
Martin on succession
Like so many in this industry, Chris Martin, this month’s cover subject, is the owner-operator of a family business. And, like so many family businesses,…