June 23, 2020 I SWIM I by Sarah Hollandsworth
SWIM’s Big Summit
Last spring, 16 female leaders from the music products industry came together for the first ever Smart Women in Music Leadership Summit. Read on.
June 23, 2020 I The Retail Beat I by Brad Boynton
Time to Subscribe
Brad Boynton on the potential of subscription-based MI.
June 23, 2020 I MI Publisher I by Frank Alkyer
It’s Time for Change
While the cover of this month’s Music Inc. chronicles the plight of our industry during the coronavirus pandemic, another issue has forced the world, and our…
May 12, 2020 I The Marketing Guru I by Tracy Hoeft
The New Normal
Tracy Hoeft on the impact of COVID-19.
May 12, 2020 I Marketing By Numbers I by Mike Robinson
Adapt, Evolve, Survive
Robinson on survival during COVID-19.
May 12, 2020 I MI Publisher I by Frank Alkyer
On Mixed Messages
May 1, 2020—It’s Day 42 of sheltering in place for the staff of Music Inc. What we thought would be a week or two has no clear end in site. We’re…
April 14, 2020 I The Marketing Guru I by Tracy Hoeft
Go Google Yourself
Stop what you are doing, go to Google and put in the name of your store. Go ahead… I’ll wait. What did you see? Hopefully a lot. If you are looking at your…
April 14, 2020 I The Retail Doctor I by Billy Cuthrell
Less Really Is More
In my work as a consultant, I find most clients suffer from many of the same issues, regardless of geographic location or current market conditions. One of the…