
May 12, 2020 I The Marketing Guru I by Tracy Hoeft

The New Normal

​Tracy Hoeft on the impact of COVID-19.

May 12, 2020 I Marketing By Numbers I by Mike Robinson

Adapt, Evolve, Survive

​Robinson on survival during COVID-19.

May 12, 2020 I MI Publisher I by Frank Alkyer

On Mixed Messages

May 1, 2020—It’s Day 42 of sheltering in place for the staff of Music Inc. What we thought would be a week or two has no clear end in site. We’re…

April 14, 2020 I The Marketing Guru I by Tracy Hoeft

Go Google Yourself

Stop what you are doing, go to Google and put in the name of your store. Go ahead… I’ll wait. What did you see? Hopefully a lot. If you are looking at your…

April 14, 2020 I The Retail Doctor I by Billy Cuthrell

Less Really Is More

In my work as a consultant, I find most clients suffer from many of the same issues, regardless of geographic location or current market conditions. One of the…

April 14, 2020 I Marketing By Numbers I by Mike Robinson

Calculating the Customer Experience

Today’s consumer has a huge number of options when it comes to musical instrument products, more than ever before in our industry’s history.

April 14, 2020 I From The Trenches I by Myrna Sislen

The Buck Stops Here

I love new products. My favorite part of every NAMM Show is scouring the convention floor for first-time presenters. I’m looking for items that are unique and…

April 14, 2020 I MI Publisher I by Frank Alkyer

Pandemic Days

April 2, 2020—The staff of Music Inc. has been sheltering, distancing, working from home for two weeks now. We Zoom video conference with the team every…