
November 30, 2021 I From The Trenches I by Myrna Sislen

Why I Sold My Store

Longtime MI retailer Myrna Sislen tells the story of making this momentous decision.

November 30, 2021 I Marketing By Numbers I by Mike Robinson

Timing Is Everything

​Consultant Mike Robinson on best practices in product launches.

October 26, 2021 I by Miranda Altman

The Space to Connect

SWIM’s ​Miranda Altman on deep dives.

October 26, 2021 I The Marketing Guru I by Tracy Hoeft

What’s Your NAMM Gap?

​Tracy Hoeft on how to stay sharp in the absence of The Winter NAMM Show in Q1.

September 28, 2021 I From The Trenches I by Myrna Sislen

Why We Needed Summer NAMM

​Myrna Sislen weighs in on why Summer NAMM was essential.

September 24, 2021 I by Michael Santander

Be Open to Mentorship

​IMC’s Michael Santander was initially skeptical about mentorship, but soon found immense value in it.

September 24, 2021 I The Experts I by Peter Dods

You—Call 911!

​Peter Dods explains how lessons learned as a lifeguard apply in MI.

September 24, 2021 I Ask Alan I by Alan Friedman

Summer NAMM: Three Takeaways

​Alan Friedman breaks down three insights on Summer NAMM.