October 06, 2023 I Next-Gen Retailing I by Jonathan Hendrix
Hiring for Company Culture
If you’re interviewing someone who has not totally bought into your company culture, consider that a major red flag.
September 18, 2023 I E-Commerce Reverberations I by Jamie Major
Holiday Prep Starts Now
The holiday selling season has grown to encompass all of Q4, so prep early and enjoy the success all season long.
September 18, 2023 I NAMM YP I by Natalie Morrison
Become a Better Self-advocate
A few ideas on why advocating for yourself is a must for your professional growth.
August 25, 2023 I AI in MI I by Brendan Alviani
Using AI to Your Advantage
Focus on having ChatGPT assist your store with things you’re knowledgeable about, so that you can quickly fact-check, cut the ‘filler’ and refine the language as necessary.
July 17, 2023 I In the Trenches I by Cyph Shah
Reignite the Hunger
Cyph Shah encourages retailers to partner with manufacturers for events that will elevate the visibility of product integration and collaboration.
July 05, 2023 I Next Gen Retailing I by Jeremy Payne
Payne — Out!
A few reflections from the outgoing president of NAMM YP.
June 06, 2023 I My Turn I by Mary Luehrsen
Advocating for Music Education: Proactive, Positive & Perpetual
NAMM’s Mary Luehrsen urges retailers to take one minute out of their day today to use NAfME’s tool to ask elected officials to support music education funding.
March 20, 2023 I In the Trenches I by Cyph Shah
The Secret to Brick-and-Mortar Wealth
How our dealership has survived the last three turbulent years and managed to come out on top.