
June 23, 2020

Online Sales Surge

As the world was locked down by coronavirus and the quarantine necessary to fight it this spring, one thing became clear quickly — e-commerce is king. Its…

June 23, 2020

An Uncomfortable Reopening

As businesses across the nation began to reopen during the past two months, the emotions ran the gamut from exhilaration to caution, from rising hopes to…

June 23, 2020

From The Top: Jeff Rosica I Avid Technology

How do you start your day? I always start my day the same way — get up, turn the news on, make coffee and check social media. I’m active on Twitter,…

May 12, 2020

Plug into New Sales

Plug-ins have long been a product category that many traditional brick-and-mortar retailers shy away from. Selling something that doesn’t have a physical box,…

May 12, 2020

School Music Goes Virtual

From Zoom meetings, YouTube videos and increased social media entries to virtual game nights and online cocktail hours, many retailers, associations and…

May 12, 2020

Adapt & Overcome

On a Tuesday evening last November, as the Sims Music team celebrated the exact day of the store’s 40th anniversary, owner Jerry Sims could be found on a…

May 12, 2020

From The Top: Masahiro Iijima I Zoom Corporation

How do you start your day? I prefer to separate business time when I’m on, and private time, when I’m off, so I try not to think about business when I’m…

April 14, 2020

11 Days of Pandemic

Covid-19, or the coronavirus, slowed the world to a halt in many ways this winter and spring. Originating in China, then spreading throughout Europe,…