
November 23, 2020

The Sweetwater Difference

In March, at the onset of the pandemic’s spread in the U.S., much of musical product industry slowed to a halt, but some retailers started moving faster than…

November 23, 2020

Gibson CEO James ‘JC’ Curleigh on 2020 & More

How do you start your day? I start my day the night before. I value sleep, and I think that sleep is probably the most important way to start your day. If you…

November 18, 2020

Stepping Up Safely

When PM Music Center in Aurora, Illinois, closed its doors due to the coronavirus on March 23, the dealer was seeing its best year ever. Numbers were up, and a…

November 10, 2020

Year One

This September, Laura Penrose hit her one-year anniversary as president and owner of Nick Rail Music, a full-service music store specializing in band and…

November 09, 2020

Casio VP Stephen Schmidt on Product Range

How do you start your day? I wake up very early. Before the pandemic, I was up at 5 a.m., but now, I let myself sleep an hour later. I get my cup of coffee,…

November 06, 2020

One Day at a Time

As it has for so many band and orchestra dealers around the country, the coronavirus has upended Monroe, Connecticut-based dealer Creative Music Center’s…

October 20, 2020

Do You Believe?

The coronavirus pandemic forced the cancellation of live events around the world, including one near and dear to the musical products industry’s heart: The…

October 09, 2020

How to Win the Holiday Sales Season

In August, Music Inc. reported on the best retail technologies, many of which were related to increasing digital sales, and in September, we offered four major…