
September 20, 2021

When Suppliers Sell Direct

In 2014, when Fender announced it would start selling direct-to-consumer from it’s website, retailers across the country braced for other major MI…

September 20, 2021

Music Retail 2.0

Back in August 2020, Music Inc. dug deep into key online tools retailers were leaning on to help them through the thick of the COVID-19 lockdowns. As…

July 30, 2021

Sports Guitars

When a guitar gets high-end enough, its purchase can become almost like buying a sports car. This comparison is what led Bill Warmoth, owner of Artisan Guitars…

July 30, 2021

Focus On Fretted

How do you start your day? Historically I haven’t necessarily been an early riser, as I’ve generally had to stay up pretty late for calls, but of late…

June 26, 2021

Taking the Next Step

How do you start your day? FACTOR: I’m in my 70s and getting up in the morning is something I’m really happy to do every day. [Laughs.] I take every day as…

June 14, 2021

Drum Market Hits Back

When the pandemic hit in March 2020, sales of guitars and home recording gear skyrocketed. Even the DJ market saw a boost as hobbyists started trying their hand…

June 02, 2021

Keeping Everything Straight

How do you start your day? I try to get a solid night’s sleep and wake up early to have a good breakfast, exercise and check out the morning’s sales…

June 01, 2021

Reopening the School Music Business

When A&G Central Music was forced to shut down due to the pandemic last March, like most retailers across the country, owner Robert Christie had no idea…