Yamaha Forms
US-based Yamaha Guitar Group

Yamaha has announced the formation of a new U.S.-based wholly owned subsidiary, Yamaha Guitar Group Inc. According to a company statement, YGG will be responsible for strategy formulation and implementation for the guitar businesses of both the Yamaha and Line 6 brands, and begin planning, engineering and marketing for guitars and related products for both brands.

"We are enthusiastic about bringing this multi-brand entity together under one organizational roof," said Shoji Mita, co-president of YGG. "This will better enable employees to take a customer-driven approach to how both brands develop products and serve their customers. The new organizational entity will also be better positioned for more efficient sales operations, supply chain management, manufacturing and logistics with our business partners."

"Since joining the Yamaha family four years ago, the energy between the two brands and the people who drive them has continued to build," added Marcus Ryle, co-president of YGG. "It became apparent that in order to continue capitalizing on this momentum, the next step was to formally unify."

Yamaha has decided to move its strategy formulation functions for this business, which were formerly conducted in Japan, to the United States. "Yamaha will also implement responsive business development based on its position in the United States so that it can provide more attractive products and services to guitarists by drawing on the strengths of the Yamaha and Line 6 brands and other resources," the statement said.

YGG will be headquartered at the Calabasas, California, campus where Line 6 and Yamaha Artist Services, Los Angeles have been located. Although an independent U.S. entity, YGG will be working closely with Yamaha Corp. of America and all other Yamaha sales subsidiaries around the world.