Suzanne D'Addario Brouder (left) and Claire Henry

D'Addario Collects
65 Instruments
for Students

The D'Addario Foundation has collected over 60 instruments for students in need during an event at the Ace Hotel Chicago.

Held on Dec. 1, 2017, in partnership with Hungry for Music, Todd Rundgren's Spirit of Harmony, Instruments in the Cloud and the Chicago Federation of Musicians, the event was D'Addario's second instrument drive at Ace Hotel Chicago.

Among the donors were representatives from local music retailers and music schools — and even a young boy who generously donated the instruments he collected on his own for a community service project.

There was also a special performance by Fernando Jones & Friends. At the close of the event, instruments were loaded onto Hungry for Music's RV where, once refurbished, they will be on their way to students in need.

"Many of the programs that apply for support from the D'Addario Foundation have instrument needs. Lack of instruments equates to more children on waiting lists hoping for spots in these vital programs, so donating an instrument is a very direct way to make an instant impact," said Suzanne D'Addario Brouder, executive director of the D'Addario Foundation. "We hope to replicate these instrument drives in cities across the U.S. with amazing community partners like the Ace Hotel."

On a biannual basis, the D'Addario Foundation vets hundreds of not-for-profit and school music programs applying for monetary and product support.