Aphex Moves Headquarters to Utah

Aphex recently moved to Salt Lake City in order to increase operational efficiencies by being closer to parent company DWV Entertainment and the core Aphex creative and engineering teams. The move, completed this month, includes opening a new Aphex warehouse in Utah to complement existing manufacturing and shipping facilities in California.

"Aphex has been making big changes in recent months to take advantage of growth opportunities in pro, prosumer and consumer audio, as well as licensing and new product development," said David Wiener, Aphex Chairman. "Bringing Aphex headquarters to Utah allows Aphex to take advantage of DWV Entertainment's facilities and creative resources. Our enhanced sales, marketing and operational efforts will give Aphex an added boost that's easier to achieve with people in the same zip code. Aphex is already creating new sales opportunities, generating more effective marketing and promotional collateral to better support our reseller and distribution network."

In addition to the move and added facilities, Aphex has created an enhanced customer support program combining its certified repair center in California with a product loan offering to keep customers running during repairs.

As part of its long-term strategic growth plan, Aphex is in the midst of expanding into critical markets with technology geared to assistive listening, speech recognition and prosumer recording, podcasting, telecommunication, and automotive Infotainment.

New product development for Aphex's USB microphone line, along with commercial and home theater market products, will see Aphex expand along the roadmap outlined by Wiener and the expanded Aphex team.





