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FCC Prepares for
Wireless Conversion

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has named June 12 as the end date for operations of all 700 MHZ band wireless microphones. Starting Jan. 15, the FCC banned the sale, manufacture or import of these microphones in the United States.

Theaters, churches, schools, conference centers, theme parks and musicians that use these microphones will need to retune or replace them. According to the FCC, the 700 MHZ band microphones had been operating in old TV broadcast channels and can cause interference to public safety and wireless consumer services.

The FCC has also extended the deadline for public comments relating to proposed changes in wireless microphone licensing rules. The comment period, which would have expired on Feb. 22, will continue until March 1.

The extension to file comments was made because of recent winter weather conditions that shut down Washington, D.C., and surrounding regions.

“The complex issues raised in this proceeding have far-reaching ramifications for the entire wireless microphone community, many of whom do not normally follow commission activities,” said Mark Brunner, senior director of global brand management at Shure. “The extension gives wireless microphone users a greater opportunity to develop a complete and meaningful record for the commission’s consideration.”

The FCC Web site has a list of markets where people must stop using 700 MHZ band wireless microphones immediately or on specific date before June 12. MI
