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Rockley Warehouse
Suffers Fire

Smoke and flames were sighted coming from Rockley Music Center’s warehouse in Lakewood, Colo., on April 17. Fire crews had control of the blaze within 20 minutes, but the warehouse and 55 pianos were severely damaged. Nearby stores in a strip mall also suffered some smoke damage, according to Michelle French of the West Metro Fire Protection District.

Rockley Music Center, located just down the street from the warehouse, was not damaged. The warehouse held mostly used pianos, and nobody was injured in the fire.

“By the end of the weekend, all we could do was laugh because you couldn’t cry anymore,” said Liane Rockley, Rockley Music Center’s co-owner.

Rockley said she was touched by the outpouring of support from the music industry and the Lakewood community since the fire. She also received some good advice from Skip Maggiora of Skip’s Music in Sacramento, Calif. He advised her to hire an adjustor.

“[Adjustors] know all the ins and outs of the [insurance] policy,” Rockley said. “There are different ways to get your stuff claimed depending on what it was used for. The adjustor is trying to get us an advance on some funds, but I hear this could drag out for a year and a half.” MI

